Please stop calling me offering web design services.

I know goddamned well I registered a .US domain recently.

This is not a parked domain. This site is mine and it's live.

Are you calling from (613) 251-0411, (954) 837-6638 or (416) 466-0869?

Kindly fuck off.

Did I mention I provide my own hosting services, too?


I'm not paying anybody anything. I'm a single person who bought this domain for shits and grins. You're not going to have anything to do with this domain. If you call me and you've read this web site, then you're a dumb fucking son of a bitch. Fuck off. Please. I don't want anything to do with you or your business.

Listen, no offense, but you probably wouldn't want to touch this job with a ten foot pole anyway. Besides being possibly morally questionable work for you (not that you particularly mind calling me at all hours of the day, despite my warnings and admonishments to the contrary), I'm not going to let you touch my domain nor hardware with a ten foot pole. Besides, why the fuck would I hire you to set up Wordpress for me when I work for a company that just so happens to provide the most popular web hosting control panel on the planet? That aside, I have also made my own web server and framework technologies, such as tänzer entirely on a whim, for no other reason than to demonstrate that I could, because I felt like it. I'm sorry, but if you think you can do better than ya girl (yours truly), well, hate to let you down kiddo. Nope. WHY WOULD YOU WANT TO WORK FOR A PSYCHOTIC BITCH LIKE ME?

Allow me to offer you my forced feminization services instead!

Are you a good girl? Do you want this to be you?

Please call the number on the public WHOIS record for this domain name if you have any interest in participating in my forced feminization regime. All applicants ages 18-188 are welcome to apply. Services include:

If this appeals to you, and you think you can handle it, think again missy. I'm a million times weirder than you and I've got the credentials to prove it. I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in BME University, and I've been involved in numerous secret panty raids. I am trained in shibari and I'm the top flesh suspension artist in the entire United States. You are nothing to me but just another bitch. I will wipe the cum off your mouth with the precision the likes of which have never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words.